In this blog post, you’re going to learn some insights into holistic approach, Montessori education, and how these two are related to eachother.


Your children have a better chance of evolving with self-awareness, confidence, and a sense of social responsibility in a supportive educational environment, where social and emotional learning is emphasized along with academics. So, every student finds the intention of life and characteristics through community associations. The Montessori Method is also a child-centered approach. The Method has a very caring and advisedly prepared environment that invites exploration and allows children to develop their ability to focus and enjoy their work at school. It focuses on both the academic and non-academic needs of a child. By reading this article, you will know more about how Montessori’s approach focused on holistic schooling.

1.What is a Holistic Education?

Holistic education only gives attention to experiential learning and centers education on the relationships students create in an educational environment. In Holistic education, the learning environment is different from what is typically practiced: The teacher provides individualized opportunities, personalized to a child’s skills, conducts lessons in a safe, supportive environment to help students utilize their individual skills to learn on their own pace and style. So, the emphasis is only on positive school environments that provide whole-child support (academic and non-academic needs) to students.

2.Why is Holistic Education important for children in the Early Years?

In comparison to the traditional way of teaching-learning methods, the holistic approach is a fantastic alternative. Instead of teaching school subjects in isolation, the teachers empower children to use their academic learning to enhance their emotional and social growth. There are many benefits associated with a holistic approach; however, one of the main advantages is that the holistic approach focuses more on developing five essential skills to children’s positive development, including cognitive, language, social, emotional and physical skills. With the way technology is advancing, the education methods need to be adaptive. Right from the very beginning, your child is exposed to various sports, activities and gadgets that enable him/her to learn new things. So, you are now interested in making your children more engaged with all facets of learning as parents. Even most companies or organizations consider the holistic development of students when they recruit for various jobs these days. All in all, the holistic development of students is critical.

3.What is a Montessori Education?

The Montessori Method has its basis in a holistic approach to education. The Method has been accepted around the world and is considered the best by many people as far as the early development of children is concerned. The Montessori Method emphasizes on freedom (within limits), independence, and care for a child’s development. Different aspects of the Method meet the physical, social, emotional, and cognitive needs of developing children. This is all done in a developmentally effective manner. The Montessori Method is centered on the philosophy of treating children with respect. To sum up, the Montessori Method is an alternative name of the Holistic Approach to education.

4. How Does Montessori Education Teach You about the Holistic Approach?

The Montessori approach emphasizes holistic education, which is based on different principles, including everyone should find the life goals and characteristics through community associations and relationships. Also, according to the holistic learning approach, child development discoveries are booming and evolving every day. In other words, holistic development addresses the corporal, emotional, artistic, creative and academic aspects of a child’s life. So, it will be a large growth of all different areas of a child’s mind in an attractive as well as natural way. The approach also aims attempts to enable children to make the greatest possible use of their academic learning as a tool for social and emotional growth. The Montessori technique prioritizes individuality and independence at school. In today’s world, In the Montessori educational approach, it is believed that every child will go through the stages of development; the first stage begins from birth to six, and this is the period in which children have the greatest aptitude to be trained as they are born with the willingness to learn and explore the world around them. This is where holistic education plays its role, and the Montessori educational approach teaches you about that.



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